Friday, August 31, 2007

To weird for color TV

Yesterday I went to my husband's Brigade Deployment ceremony. While I was sitting in the hot baking sun staring at the huge American Flag standing behind the hundreds on Soldiers standing in formation I started thinking how in the hell did I get here?? Never did I ever go to career day and say I want to be a wife and a mommy when I grow up, much less and Army wife. For god's sake I absolutely love my country, I've traveled all over in different countries and as much as I love those other countries I know life here in the states is pretty sweet. But an Army wife?? But I love it, and I've done it for so long now I'm institutionalized. I get scared at the thought of what will happen when V finally does retire. As much as I don't want it to be part of my identity has become Army wife. Realizing this is strange to me, I mean don't get me wrong I have my own life and I do plenty of things that are MY OWN, but still I have to move when HE gets orders to go somewhere new, I have to change jobs, I have to deal long and numerous deployments, it is a huge part of my life. It's just crazy how far from what I thought it would it be.


  1. It takes a special person to be an Army wife. *nodnod* It's amazing, to me, how people can manage to make friends. And then make friends somewhere else. And then do it again, and again, and again.

    When my husband was in the Marine Corps, I simply stayed home most of the time. I swear, I didn't make a single new friend. Oh, I was friendly with the neighbors, and I volunteered with a pet rescue. But I didn't meet anyone that I could actually hang out with. Drove me nuts.

    I think I really WOULD have gone insane if it hadn't been for unlimited long distance and my best friend (an Army wife, herself). We spent HOURS and HOURS on the phone!

    I have to admit, despite the financial hardship my family is going through at the moment, I am SO THANKFUL that we are out of the military! (Hubby got out in January after 13 years.) The civilian world IS very different, and it IS kind of scary. But I'll take it!!

  2. Thanks Meg, it's good to know that civilian life isn't too bad! We're at 13 years now, and with my husband recent promotion they have extended him so that he has at 11 years left,it's a long time.
