Monday, May 11, 2009

1 More Day...

I have one more day at work...then the movers show up and we should be on our way a few days after that!

It will be so nice not to work for once. I love my job as much as it drives me crazy but I'm ready for a little bit of a know so I have more time to blog....

Anyway, I am super excited and super stressed all at the same time. Over the weekend "V" had set up a camping trip for our family and some other friends. The first night was CRAZY windy...we're talking 40mph wind gusts off a lake and the tents were all collapsing, but boy on Saturday we had GORGEOUS weather...I have some sun on my face and I did relax a bit, so it was worth it.

Now "V" is at home getting the last of the things we need to get ready at the house ready before the mover's come, thank goodness he's here this time. Our last move he was away and so the kids and I moved overseas by ourselves it was NUTS!

I hope all of my favorite blogging friends are doing well and I will be catching up with everyone in about 24 hours while I watch all of my world belongings get packed away!

1 comment:

  1. You are almost at the finish line! Yay - one more day. I will be thinking about you tomorrow!

