The wind here in Kansas never seems to stop blowing...you can't wear a skirt here in Kansas...or a dress....or a large shirt that could possibly billow up and over your head....unless you're into that kind of thing...
We've been living in Kansas for 3 years now and despite the ridiculous weather I will greatly miss Kansas. I remember sitting in my living room in Germany in tears at the idea of moving to Kansas only a short 10 months after we had arrived in Germany. I mean honestly who would choose Kansas over Germany...why Uncle Sam would make that decision for us, but it has been one of the best things that has ever happened to us.
Moving to Kansas has been quite the adventure...we moved to a really small house for the first year we were here and then to a not as small house for these last 2 years. We've made some incredible friends and we've survived a RIDICULOUSLY long deployment. We've experienced all 4 seasons...softball sized hail....and a Tornado that showed me the amazing kindness and get to it spirit that Midwesterner's have.I will greatly miss Kansas and all of our friends here. It's almost not fair at times...it seems "V" and the kids and I are always doing the leaving...leaving neighbors and friends...leaving jobs...leaving schools. I'm hoping this time when we make the move to Virginia that we will have the same luck there as we have here. It's a bigger area than my kids have ever lived in...and it makes me nervous, but I will head off as always with high hopes!
In other news this weekend is a crazy one! I am heading off to a remote for work and as soon as I am done with that I will pick up a Birthday gift for a party "M" is going to a gift for a farewell party I am going to...send the boys off for a round of Golf together...come home make dinner and head out for drinks with friends. Tomorrow we are thinking of heading here ....never a dull moment!
I LOOOOOVED Virginia. It was my first duty station (alone and married) I would LOVE to go back there! I wish I had my D.C. Driving book that my mom sent me while I was there. I would have mailed it to you. You guys are going to have so much fun there!
ReplyDeleteI'll follow your blogs as usual and am excited to see where all of you go. I can hear you talk in your blogs. RIDICULOUS!!! LOL.
You are a busy lady. Good luck with the move!