I am so very very ready to start decorating for Halloween and Fall! Last year I was completely against white pumpkins but this year I kind of dig them. That just shows you how fickle my tastes are, it's amazing I've kept my husband around so long (wink wink). I love this time of year!! October was always the best month in our house growing up. It was the month that my over worked mother would actually slow down a bit and get some decorations out and make our Halloween Costumes and she would start cooking delicious things like Pumpkin Soup and make Pumpkin Bread and we would go in search of amazing Pumpkin Ice Cream! I plan on making and doing some of these things with my own kiddos this year!!
Here are some of my current Halloween/Fall plans for the kids and I
- Go to the Pumpkin Patch
- Find some cool branches to spray paint black
- Find a new costume for M and D, preferably making one at home
- Make Toasted pumpkin seeds with the kids after we carve awesome pumpkins!
- Make a cool Halloween vignette in the front yard, complete with grave stones, dead trees scare crows bats and more!
- Make pumpkin bread as a family
I love Halloween. I especially love vintage-type Halloween decorations.