I've been wanting to get my hands on the glue gun again and make a few Fall & Halloween decorations for the house. Now that I have a ton of free time with the kids in school and not working it helps keep me busy!
$1 Christmas Wreath

Spray Painted Black with spray paint left over from another project

$1 Black Halloween Garland to fill in the cheap wreath's bare spots

The wreath with the garland, it definitely helped fill the wreath out

The garland had black irridescent bat's on them which I thought was kind of cool

$1 Black glitter skull, I picked up 3, and in the back you can see a bag with small skulls, there are like 8 skulls in there for $1

I set up the way I wanted the wreath and then hot glued everything on

Here's the finished project, I really liked how it turned out!

Here it is on the door, I used a $1 store wreath hanger that was originally gold, but I also spray painted it black.

I saw a really great centerpiece at Michael's a few weeks ago when I was in there so I copied it...
I grabbed a Styrofoam pumpkin with a 40% off coupon I had so it was $4

I cut a whole in the top, I went for a jagged cut hoping that it would help hold the flowers in the grooves.

Picked up flowers at the dollar store and Michael's had a $1 sale on a few, there's are 4 bunches total

I literally just stuffed them all inside the pumpkin

Probably one of the easiest projects I've done

There are a few more projects I have in mind including a few things outside, hopefully I can get it all done!